Santrauka: smegenu dioplazmines membranos ir kitu jos poliu santykis;))))))
Tema sukurta: 2013.10.13 14:43
2013.10.13 14:43 Nauja žinutė
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Sveiki, gal kam teko girdeti, apie toki projekta?

For the project in the US, see BRAIN Initiative.

The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a research project which aims to simulate the human brain with supercomputers to better understand how it functions. The end hopes of the HBP include being able to mimic the human brain using computers and being able to better diagnose different brain problems.

The project is directed by the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and co-directed by Heidelberg University, the University Hospital of Lausanne and the University of Lausanne. Its total costs are estimated at 1 190 million €, of which 555 million would go to personnel, to compensate 7148 person-years of effort.[1] It is supported by the European Union as a 'FET Flagship' project and the 86 institutions involved will receive one billion euro in funding over ten years.[2]

Neural networks expert Geoffrey Hinton has expressed his doubts that the Human Brain Project will succeed, because it depends on "too many moving parts that no one yet understands".[3]
See also[edit source | editbeta]
Artificial brain
BigBrain A high-resolution 3D atlas of the human brain created as part of the Human Brain Project.
Blue Brain Project
Blue Gene
BRAIN Initiative
Computational neuroscience
List of topics related to brain mapping
Simulated reality
Notes and references[edit source | editbeta]
^ "The HBP Report". The Human Brain Project. April 2012.
^ "European projects to model human brain, explore graphene win up to €1 B each". The Washington Post. 2013-01-28.
^ "European projects to model human brain, explore graphene win up to €1 B each". The Washington Post. 2013-01-28.
^ Natalie Wolchover (23 July 2013). "As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like Us". Quanta Magazine. Simons Foundation. Retrieved 30 July 2013.
Siame projekte, tikimasi sukurti pasikartojancias smegenu disbalanso ir ju rezonansines sudeties, ir be abejo, kad sukurti nauja smegenu modeli;} Jeigu kas zino, kodel smegenis kinta, prasom cia:) As teigciau, kad ta padaryti yra imanoma, nes
1) smegenis sukuria savo principini lauka, kuris vadinamas mentalines zieves funkcijos proporcingasis integralas, ir suvokia save;)
kiekviena smegenu lastele, gali buti santykines validzios ir substancijai sudetingejancios principines asies dalis;} jeigu kas nezino, kodel smegenu membrana gali atsikurti, tai galit cia nei nebandyt argumentuot;) mentaline zieve, ir gumburas, ir liauku mazgelis, kuris yra gumbute;) gali kisti..
viena smegenu zieves dalis, gali konverguoti su pridetinemis indekso intervalu mintimis;) teigiu, kad yra irodyta, kad kiekviena smegenu gumbuto dalis, sukelia audringas hormonu reakcija organizme;) o tai sukuria smegenu darba.. likvoro 10ml ir audringas balansines polines jungtis sujungia su mazgeliu;) jeigu kas nezino, kodel fiziologijoje tai yra pridetinis stimulas, irgi galit neargumentuot; ) teigiu, kad toki projekta igyvendinti yra imanoma;) zinant, kad smegenis atsikuria:) jeigu karstomis plazmos ir sicilio bangomis veiksime smegenu zieve;) bus sukurta membrana, kurioje viskas atsinaujina, ir taip sukuriamas modelis, kuris teigia, kad tokia tikimybe egzistuoja..
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